Mexican law only recognizes insurance coverage issued by Mexican companies. When driving a University vehicle into Mexico, you must obtain a "Mexican Insurance Packet" in advance of your trip. The preparation and distribution of these packets has now been moved to the UA Motor Pool, so it can be obtained when the vehicle is picked up. Each packet is vehicle specific with the documents and authorizations required to comply with Mexican law. The Mexican Insurance program provides comprehensive coverage while in Mexico.
When you reserve your vehicle with the Motor Pool, check with them at 621-5124 to be sure they have a packet ready for you when you come to pick up the vehicle during normal working hours.
In case of an incident, follow the detailed instructions in the packet. You must report incidents both to the Mexican insurance carrier and to University Risk Management Services.
The University does not provide Mexican insurance coverage for private vehicles. The University's primary rental vendors (Enterprise/National and Hertz) do allow rental vehicles to be driven into Mexico, however these plans must be communicated to the representative when making reservations. There is an additional charge for Mexican Auto Liability coverge, however, the standard collision damage waiver (included in the UA/State of Arizona rental contract) still applies. Call the RMS in advance of your trip to discuss specific situations and the limitations on coverage.