In case of serious injury or illness on campus, immediately call University Police at 9-1-1, or use emergency phone. Do not move a seriously injured person unless they are in further danger. Give your name, describe the nature of the problem and the location of the victim. University Dispatchers will notify Emergency Response Personnel. Police Officers are trained in CPR and First Aid.
Quickly perform these four steps:
Determine welfare of victim by asking, "Are you okay," and "What is wrong?"
If victim is unconscious, check pulse and breathing and give CPR or artificial respiration if necessary.
Control serious bleeding by direct pressure and elevation of the wound.
Keep victim still and comfortable; have them lie down if necessary.
For minor injuries or minor medical urgencies, employees should report to Campus Health Services if the injury or illness is minor but medical care is required. Employees may go to their private physician but they must let them know if the injury or illness is work-related. Supervisors must ensure that they or a co-worker accompany the injured or ill person to the medical care facility.
First Aid Instructions
Mouth to Mouth Rescue Breathing:
Place victim on side and remove foreign matter from mouth with finger.
Place victim on back. Tilt victim's head back to open airway. Close victim's nostrils with fingers. Exhale until victim's chest expands. Repeat every 1-2 seconds after chest deflates. Keep trying until help arrives. If unable to give breath, check victim for airway obstruction. The American Red Cross conducts CPR classes for a minimal charge. Call 318-6740 for details.
Severe Bleeding and Wounds:
Apply direct pressure on wound.
Use clean cloth or hand.
Elevate body part.
Apply pressure to blood vessel if necessary. Add more cloth if blood soaks through. Never remove bandage once applied.
Keep pressure on wound until help arrives.
Use tourniquet ONLY as a last resort.
Fainting, Unconsciousness and Shock:
Have victim lie down and rest.
Keep victim comfortable, not hot or cold.
Place victim on side if unconscious.
Ask or look for emergency medical I.D. and provide to emergency medical personnel.
Treat other injuries as necessary.
Burns, Thermal & Chemical:
Immerse burned area in cold water.
Flood chemical burn with cool water for 15 minutes.
Cover burn with dry bandage.
Keep victim quiet and comfortable.
Poisoning and Overdose:
Determine what substance is involved and how taken.
Call Poison Control Center at 626-6016 or 1-800-222-1222.
Stay with victim and assist as directed by Poison Control.
Fractures and Sprains:
Keep the victim still.
Keep injured area immobile.
Choking and Airway Obstruction:
If victim is coughing, or able to speak, stand by and allow victim to cough object up.
If unconscious, check victim's mouth and clear of foreign matter.