Automated External Defibrillators
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are designed for use by non-medically trained people who witness another individual collapse from a sudden cardiac arrest. These devices will enable responders to deliver early defibrillation to victims in the first critical moments after collapse.
Defibrillation is a recognized means of terminating certain potentially fatal arrhythmias during a cardiac arrest. A direct current defibrillator applies a brief, high-energy pulse of electricity to the heart muscle. AEDs accurately analyze cardiac rhythms and, if appropriate, advise/deliver an electric counter-shock. AEDs are currently widely used by trained emergency personnel and have become an essential link in the chain-of survival as defined by the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.
The Department of Risk Management Services (RMS) along with the UA Sarver Heart Center oversees the AED program on campus. AEDs are included in all new building construction & major renovations. There is a process in place to evaluate prospective departments that would like to have an AED in their building. Please contact Frank Perez at 626-8739 to arrange a meeting to assess your needs. Departments that are ready to purchase their own AEDs must get approval from RMS. RMS assists in coordinating training on the use of AEDs and ongoing maintenance and inspection.
The University Public Map shows the location of AEDs. You may click on the icons (red circles with heart/lightning bolt) to view more information about the individual AED devices. If you return to the map later, you may also turn on the AED layer using the Health & Safety category in the Table of Contents panel on the right.