Risk Management Training
Risk Management Services (RMS) offers safety training for University students, employees, and volunteers. These online and in-person courses were developed to help mitigate risks associated with daily operations at the University. Please select one of the courses below to access enrollment tutorials and course requirements.
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Driver Certification Course

This course covers University of Arizona driver responsibilities, key Fleet Safety policies, and reviews defensive driving techniques, and select Arizona traffic laws.
Who should take this class
Faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who drive for university business
Utility Cart

This online, self-paced course covers UA utility cart driver responsibilities, key fleet safety policies, and reviews key safety practices. The University's Driver Certification course is a required prerequisite.
Who should take this class
All UA employees, students, and volunteers driving utility carts on University business must take this course. You must be at least 18 years old with a minimum of two years driving experience.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the EDGE Learning site for access to this classHigh Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)

HOVs are defined as any full-size van or Sport Utility Vehicle with a seating capacity of 9-15, and full-size cargo vans. Minivans and SUVs with a seating capacity of less than 9 do NOT require HOV driver training or certification. The HOV certification includes an online training module in EDGE Learning and a behind-the-wheel road test which you will sign up for in the training. Departments may conduct the behind-the-wheel road test at their own convenience with their own staff upon prior approval and authorization by RMS. The University's Driver Certification course is a required prerequisite.
Who should take this class
All University employees, students, and volunteers who will be driving HOVs must take this class. You must be at least 19 years old with a minimum of three years of licensed driving experience.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the EDGE Learning site for access to this classBloodborne Pathogens

This self-paced course covers the definition of Bloodborne pathogens (BBPs), associated diseases, how to recognize risk of exposure, how to protect against exposure, and accident containment.
Who should take this class
UA employees or students who have a reasonably anticipated occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (as specified by OSHA) must take this course. For more details, see the UA’s Exposure Control Plan.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this classShipping Infectious Substance

This instructor-led course covers IATA regulations on shipping (packaging, labeling & documenting) infectious substances, biological materials, genetically modified organisms, and dry ice by air.
Who should take this class
UA employees who ship any of the above hazardous materials by air must take this course.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this class
Shipping Dry Ice
This self-paced course covers regulations on shipping (packaging, labeling & documenting) dry ice by air.
Who should take this class
UA employees who ship dry ice by air must take this course. Note, if shipping dry ice along with another hazardous material, please enroll for the above course, "Shipping Hazardous Materials."
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this classHazard Communication

This online, self-paced course covers the recognition and hazard control measures for chemicals in non-laboratory workplaces.
Who should take this class
UA employees who work in a non-laboratory setting where known hazardous chemicals are kept or used must take this course.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this classFire Safety Awareness

This online, self-paced course covers fire prevention, evacuation procedures, and fire protection equipment.
Who should take this class
Anyone who wants to learn about preventing fires and how to respond in case of a fire should take this course—all UA students and employees are encouraged to do so.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this classFighting Fires with Portable Fire Extinguishers

This instructor-led, hands-on course covers types of portable fire extinguishers and when and how to use them. The class is held at 1700 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719
Who should take this class
Although certain UA employees are required to take this course due to the nature of their responsibilities (ask your supervisor if you aren’t sure), it is open to anybody at the University.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Fire Extinguisher Training Schedule
Visit the Fire Extinguisher course page in EDGE Learning to enrollCampus Security Authority

This self-paced course covers how, and when you should report a crime, what the University of Arizona does with the crime statistics, and how to properly be a CSA.
Who should take this class
Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities.
Please remember you will need to recertify within 30-days of Expiry
Visit the new EDGE Learning site for access to this classCPR Classes

"This instructor-led course covers the information and skills needed to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, an opioid overdose, and stroke. As well as how to perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and uses of an AED for laypeople and healthcare providers. This course results in certification by the American Heart Association.
Who Should Take this course
Any UA student or employee can take this course as cardiac arrest can happen anywhere at any time."
CPR Class Info